Right-click on the ForgeWurst MC 1.10.2 project and select New > Folder. That's because we have a shared source folder in the 1.12.2 project that the other versions (currently just 1.10.2) also need access to. At this point ForgeWurst MC 1.12.2 is already working, but ForgeWurst MC 1.10.2 still shows some errors.

Select all of the projects that Eclipse has found (currently just two), then click Finish. Select the folder where you saved this repository as the root directory. bat files, as some versions will not work if you run the Gradle commands directly. Repeat step 2 for all of the remaining versions (currently just 1.12.2). Go into the ForgeWurst MC 1.10.2 folder and run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace.bat, followed by gradlew eclipse.bat. Go to for ready-to-use downloads and installation instructions. This repository only contains the source code and is not intended for end users.